Week #2
This entry to the blog is a follow of the first unit...
In this sesion we did a discussion about the marriage.
There are many things that people should consider when they get married or before, is very important think about this things because they can help to strengthen and improve the relationship between the peer.
Somethings that you should consider are:
Faithfulness: I think that the confidence is the most important thing in a relationship and is the base of a good connexion.
Physical intimacy: many people think that the physical intimacy is a spiritual connection between the couple.
Sharing household chores: is important share the housework because the best is that the man and woman do the housework and not only a person.
Income: financial situation
Housing: is important know the likes of the other person and if this person wants live in a own house or not.
Religious beliefs: kwon the beliefs of your couple, especially if you want children in the future.
Interests: know the likes and dislikes of your couple is important to strengthen the relation.
Children: is important define if you want children or not, and how many kids.
Political beliefs: this point not is very important in our country, but there are many others countries when the political beliefs have a influency about a relationship.
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